Saturday, January 07, 2012

While the Earth sleeps.

Our New Year's Eve was an amazing one, I must say!

We started having dinner at Ester's house: Marc, Filip, Ester and me. I cooked for the four of us and we taught Filip the Spanish tradition about eating the grapes at twelve o'clock.

 Ester doesn't drink alcohol, so she had a Cacaolat ;)

After the grapes, we run to Plaza Catalunya and from there we took a train to Rubi with Fey and Íñigo. At Rubi was Garrobo, waiting for us for the party!

We actually had lots of fun and arrive home in the morning. Filip was leaving Barcelona on that day, so I went with him to the bus station and on my way back home, I bought some doughnuts for my flatmates and Ester! We spent the rest of the evening watching Millenium and Harry Potter's films!

By the way, that black & white photo was taken for a Carolina Herrera Contest; I really like it :)!

Did you have a great New Year's party?


  1. Pues yo siempre con la familia la paso XD nunca eh salido con mis amistades, por que vivimos lejos y acá el transporte colectivo no funciona a altas horas de la madrugada y es feo además XDD, iba a salir con unas amigas y se cayeron los planes :( pero la pasé bien con mis tíos, mamá, hermana y primos; fuimos a una casa que queda en lo alto de la ciudad, como tipo bosque y tiramos luces o cohetes como decimos acá y cenamos muuuy rico!!

    Me encanta la foto de carolina herrera.


  2. My new year was pretty awesome! i dig your header! seamed like you also had a good time.

  3. Hi there! Your blog is fantastic. I'm wondering if you got any tips for a weekend in Barcelona? Nightclubs, bar, restaurants?


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!